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  • Fakta dan Mtos Demam

    Kesalahpahaman tentang demam sering terjadi . Banyak orang tua langsung panik ketika mendapati anaknya demam. Padahal tidak semua demam berbahaya. Namun demikian, demam juga tidak boleh diremehkan. Yang penting, saat anak demam tetaplah tenang dan coba cari tahu penyebabnya. Dibawah ini beberapa mitos seputar demam

  • Mitos Tentang Teknologi Dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari

    Di balik banyaknya teknologi manusia saat ini, tentu saja tidak lepas dari beberapa mitos yang menjadi "budaya" sendiri untuk masyarakat banyak dan bahkan belum memiliki bukti kuat untuk di percayai hanya berdasarkan pengalaman satu-dua orang manusia.

  • Pesulap Dengan Tubuh Terpisah

    Seorang pesulap bernama Andy Gross baru-baru ini membuat sebuah "pertunjukan" yang sangat mencengangkan. Dengan tubuh tampak terbelah menjadi dua bagian pada bagian pinggang, Andy berkeliaran di taman dan jalanan yang masih dirahasiakan lokasinya. Berkat aksinya ini, Andy sukses menakuti para warga dan membuat mereka berlari menjauhinya.

  • Post Title 5

    Bagaimana Mencintai Seseorang

Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

Samsung Galaxy Pop Smartphone Berkelas High End

Samsung yang merupakan produsen perangkat teknologi asal Korea Selatan kembali menebar berita yang sangat menakjubkan. Dikabarkan bahwa pihaknya kembali akan merilis sebuha smartphone yang kali ini akan menyusur kelas high end. 
Smartphone terbaru mereka tersebut akan menggunakan prosesor quad-core dengan kecepatan 1,4 GHz (Exynos 4412) sebagai dapur pacunya. Kemudian lagi, untuk menunjang kinerja prosesor tersebut, Samsung juga memadukannya dengan RAM berukuran 1GB. Dipastikan bahwa smartphone ini akan berjalan dengan sangat mulus dan lancar saat digunakan.
Samsung Galaxy Pop Smartphone Berkelas High End
Kemunculan smartphone berkelas high end ini, akan diperkenalkan dengan tajuk Samsung Galaxy Pop. Galaxy Pop dengan spesifikasi tersebut di atas akan mulai dipasarkan pada bulan depan. Tepatnya pada bulan Februari mendatang di market Korea.
Dari segi designnya, Galaxy Pop sangat mirip dengan Samsung Galaxy Premier. Dengan spesifikasi lainnya yang pastinya akan menunjang kehadirannya untuk menarik minat para konsumen untuk segera memilikinya.
Galaxy Pop akan hadir dengan layar 4,65 inchi Super Amoled. Dengan layar ini dapat dipastikan bahwa tampilan yang akan diperlihatkan dala Galaxy Pop ini menjadi lebih cemerlang. Kemudian lagi untuk lokasi penyimpanan disediakan memory internal (8 & 16 GB) plus tambahan slot Micro SD card.    
Smartphone ini juga didukung fitur kamera 8MP dibagian belakang serta 1,9MP dibagian depan serta baterai berkapasitas 2100 mAh Li-ion. Untuk konektivitas Samsung SHV-E220 aka Galaxy Pop menghadirkan akses wifi, bluetooth 4.0, serta NFC. 
 Oh ya, tidak lupa untuk sistem operasi yang digunakan pada Samsung Galaxy Pop ini adalah Android Jelly Bean 4.1.2. Sebagai penunjangnya juga disediakan fitur TouchWiz 5.0.
Samsung Galaxy Pop Smartphone Berkelas High End 9out of 10 based on 10 ratings. 9 user reviews.
Anda baru saja membaca artikel yang berkategori Samsung / Smartphone dengan judul Samsung Galaxy Pop Smartphone Berkelas High End. Anda bisa bookmark halaman ini dengan URL http://www.topulerkan.info/2013/01/samsung-galaxy-pop-smartphone-berkelas.html. Terima kasih!

Jejaring Sosial Pemicu Keretakan Rumah Tangga ?

Sosial Media.

Subekti.Com – Tulisan ini terinspirasi oleh cerita seorang teman tentang pengalamannya menggunakan jejaring sosial. Sebut saja teman saya tersebut bernama Ina (bukan nama sesungguhnya). Kurang lebih 3 tahun Ina menggunakan jejaring sosial seperti Facebook (FB) untuk berinteraksi dengan teman-temannya. Ada banyak cerita menarik dari 3 tahun menggunakan FB.
Meskipun sudah berkeluarga, Ina masih tetap rajin menggunakan jejaring sosial. Namun yang membedakan untuk saat ini adalah sebagian besar kegiatan di jejaring sosial dikontrol oleh suaminya. Mengapa demikian? Yuk simak cerita di bawah ini.
Dengan perawakan cukup tinggi untuk ukuran perempuan Indonesia (kira-kira 165cm), berkulit sawo matang, berambung lurus panjang, dan bertubuh sintal rupanya foto-foto yang dipload di FB membuat lawan jenisnya terpikat. Menurut penuturannya, tidak sedikit laki-laki iseng yang berusaha menggodanya. Ini ujian yang berat untuk Ina, karena sebagian besar dari mereka tidak peduli dengan statusmnya yang sudah bersuami dan memiliki 2 orang anak. Bahkan tidak sedikit yang memaksa untuk mangajak berumah tangga dan mengajak jumpa darat. Yang namanya orang tertarik pasti akan terus mengejar sampai dapat tanpa peduli statusnya seperti apa.
Layaknya orang berkeluarga, suami memiliki hak untuk mengetahui aktivitas yang dilakukan istrinya di media online. Tak pelak, semua pesan yang dikirim oleh lelaki-lelaki iseng tersebut mengganggu kenyamanan sang suami. Keputusan pun diambil, akhirnya sang suami memutuskan untuk mengetahui username dan password akun FB Ina. Dia berharap bisa memantau godaan-godaan yang bisa membuat rumah tangganya retak.
Akhirnya suami Ina turun tangan untuk merespon godaan para lelaki iseng tersebut. Dia yang membalas semua pesan yang dikirim para lelaki iseng tersebut. Tak pelak sang suami terkaget-kaget membaca pesan-pesan menggoda dari para lelaki iseng.
Dari obrolan santai dengan Ina melalui media chatting online, dia juga menuturkan kalau godaan yang datang dari para lelaki tidak hanya ingin mengajaknya berumah tangga tetapi juga  tawaran pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan keelokan parasnya, seperti ditawari untuk foto-foto dewasa. Dalam hati saya, gila juga orang-orang tersebut.
Ian bukanlah satu-satunya perempuan yang terus menerima godaan dari lelaki iseng melalui media online. Saya yakin banyak Ina-Ina yang lain. Yang menarik adalah ada Ina yang tahan godaan seperti teman saya tersebut, ada juga Ina-Ina yang termakan oleh godaan laki-laki iseng sehingga mereka rela meninggalkan rumah tangga yang telah dibinanya. Sungguh ironis.
Dari cerita di atas, perlu rasanya untuk tidak berlebihan dalam menggunakan jejaring sosial. Seperti, membatasi upload foto-foto pribadi yang memang bisa mengundang orang lain untuk iseng atau informasi pribadi seperti menggumbar status yang menggundang orang lain untuk berbuat iseng. Hindari membuat informasi yang membuka celah bagi pihak ketiga untuk masuk dalam rumah tangga. Tanpa terasa godaan-godaan dari lelaki iseng tersebut akan menjadi racun dalam kehidupan berumah tangga.
Jejaring sosial seperti FB adalah tempatnya berkumpul banyak orang dengan berbagai latar belakang. Kita tidak sepenuhnya percaya dengan pertemanan yang kita buat melalui media sosial. Jangan sampai media sosial justru menghancurkan sesuatu yang fundamental seperti keutuhan rumah tangga. Sudah sering media masa memberitakan kekerasan rumah tangga (KDRT) akibat jejaring sosial. Apakah Anda memiliki cerita menarik lainnya?

Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

5 Laga Klasik Terbaik El Clasico

Barcelona vs Madrid (Reuters/Gustau )
VIVAbola - Barcelona dan Real Madrid adalah musuh bebuyutan. Setiap kali kedua tim bertemu dalam El Clasico, pertandingan itu selalu penuh drama, kontroversi dan gol -gol indah.
Seperti diketahui, laga El Clasico di leg pertama semifinal Copa del Rey, akan berlangsung hari ini, Rabu 30 Januari 2013, waktu setempat.

Berikut lima laga terbaik El Clasico:

1. Barcelona 1-5 Real Madrid (27 Januari 1963)
Rivalitas keduanya di era ini berat sebelah. Madrid pada 1950-an sampai 1960-an begitu perkasa di daratan Spanyol dan Eropa. Mereka meraih 12 dari 16 gelar Liga Spanyol. Los Blancos juga memenangi 6 Piala Champions. Madrid yang saat itu diperkuat para legendanya seperti Puskas, Di Stefano, Santamaria, Gento dan Kopa mempermalukan Barca 5-1 di Camp Nou.

2. Barcelona 5-0 Real Madrid (8 January 1994)
Barca tampil cantik dan efisien di laga ini. Johan Cruyff  yang menjabat sebagai pelatih Azulgrana sukses memadukan bintang-bintang terbaik dunia macam Ronald Koeman, Michael Laudrup, Hristo Stoichkov dan Romario. Mereka pun memangsa Madrid hidup-hidup di Camp Nou dengan skor 5-0.

3. Real Madrid 5-0 Barcelona (6 January 1995)
Selang setahun Madrid berhasil membalaskan dendam mereka. Adalah Michael Laudrup yang kembali membuktikan kemampuannya sebagai salah satu pemain terbaik dunia di era itu. Di awal musim, ia memilih pindah dari Barca ke Madrid. Ia juga yang memimpin Los Blancos menghancurkan Barca 5-0 di Santiago Bernabeu.

4. Barcelona 3-3 Real Madrid (10 March 2007)

Di sinilah seorang bocah berbakat bernama Lionel Messi mencuri perhatian dunia. Dengan usia yang baru 19 tahun ketika itu, Messi sukses mencetak hattrick ke gawang Madrid. Usai pertandingan, Messi langsung disebut-sebut sebagai pewaris takhta Ronaldinho di Camp Nou.

5. Barcelona 5-0 Real Madrid (29 November 2010)
Pertandingan paling spektakuler di penghujung 2010. Barca mempermalukan Madrid lima gol tanpa balas di Camp Nou. Pertandingan ini juga mencoreng nama baik Jose Mourinho yang sukses memenangi Liga Champions bersama Inter Milan di tahun itu.

Viva News 

Pantech Vega No. 6 Phablet Full HD Quad Core 1.5 Ghz

Pantech kembali meluncurkan produk terbarunya yaitu Pantech Vega No.6, perangkat ini berupa Phablet dengan layar berukuran cukup besar yaitu 5,9 inci. Selain itu spesifikasi yang di hadirkan oleh Phablet ini cukup bagus, penasaran? silahkan disimak.
Pantech Vega No 6 Pantech Vega No. 6 Phablet Full HD Quad Core 1.5 Ghz
Phablet Pantech Vega No.6 menghadirkan resolusi layar wah yaitu full HD 1080p. Selain itu juga menghadirkan dapur pacu yang tak kalah dengan merk brended seperti processor Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro 1.5 Ghz dengan GPU Adreno 320 dan didukung RAM 2GB.
Dari sisi memori, untuk internalnya cukup besar yaitu 32 GB, padahal produk lainnya memori tersebut biasanya digunakan untuk memori eksternal. Lalu bagaimana dengan memori tambahannya, pasti Anda tidak kan kebayang, karena memori eksternalnya support MicrSDXC berkapasitas hingga 2TB.
Pantech Vega No.6 ini berjalan dengan sistem operasi Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean. Kemudian untuk mengabadikan momen penting Phablet Pantech Vega No,6 ini memiliki kamera untuk bagian belakang berkekuatan 13MP dan dibagian depan 2MP. Sedangkan konektivitasnya mendukung fitur 4G LTE, Wifi, Bluetooth dan NFC.
Phablet ini bakal hadir di pasaran pada bulan Februari ini  Tapi sayangnya menurut kabar yang beredar Phablet Pantech Vega No.6 ini hanya akan dijual di Korea Selatan.

Moratti: Coutinho Akan Dapat Banyak Kesempatan di Liverpool

Moratti: Coutinho Akan Dapat Banyak Kesempatan di Liverpool

Coutinho akan ke Liverpool malam ini untuk menjalani tes medis.

Philippe Coutinho (Zimbio)
VIVAbola - Presiden Inter Milan, Massimo Moratti, menyambut baik kepindahan Philippe Coutinho ke Liverpool. Dia menilai pemain 20 tahun ini akan mendapat lebih banyak kesempatan bermain bersama The Reds.

Inter telah sepakat untuk melepas Coutinho dengan mahar sebesar  €12 juta atau setara Rp177,76 miliar. Rencananya bintang muda Brasil ini akan terbang ke Liverpool malam ini untuk menjalani tes medis.

"Ada peluang yang bisa diambil dan pada saat ini sang pemain bisa memiliki kesempatan untuk bermain lebih banyak," ujar Moratti seperti dilansir Sky Sport Italia.

"Inilah sebabnya saya berpikir ini akan menjadi kesempatan besar bagi Coutinho. Kesepakatan ini juga bagus untuk kami," tegasnya.

Musim ini Coutinho jarang diberikan kepercayaan oleh pelatih Andrea Stramaccioni. Pemain asal Brasil ini baru tampil 5 kali di Serie A. Padahal musim lalu mantan pemain Vasco dan Gama ini sempat tampil impresif saat dipinjamkan ke Espanyol.

Rencananya Inter akan menggunakan dana penjualan Coutinho untuk memboyong pemain asal Brasil lainnya, Paulinho dari Corinthians. Nerazzurri perlu menyiapkan dana sebesar €20 juta (Rp259,65 miliar) untuk mendapatkan pemilik nama lengkap José Paulo Bezerra Maciel Júnior itu.

"Dia (Paulinho) sangat mahal. Namun kita akan lihat dalam beberapa hari ke depan apakah ini kesempatan bagus untuk kami atau bukan," ucapnya. (umi)

Viva News

Senin, 28 Januari 2013

100 Players LFC Who Shook The Kop

More than 100,000 Liverpool fans voted in the original series six years ago and the list became the definitive rundown of our greatest ever players.
The poll is still quoted by the media and authors to this day, but how different will it look seven years on? Who will surprise everyone by sneaking into the top 100? And which of the current squad will make the list?
Kenny Dalglish beat Steven Gerrard to the number one spot last time but our current No.8 has lifted two trophies, had an FA Cup final named after him and won both PFA and FWA player of the year awards since fans last voted in early 2006.
Will it be one of those two at No.1, or can someone like Billy Liddell or John Barnes take top spot this time around?
We want you to select your top 10 in order now. You can vote for players from as far back as 1892 (our first skipper of note, Andrew Hannah) and there are details of all the contenders below.
You've got until the end of February to have your say before the list in revealed on Liverpoolfc.com and LFC TV day by day over the summer. You can also let us know your thoughts on who should feature where on Twitter with the hashtag #100pwstk.
<a href="https://liverpoolfc.wufoo.com/forms/q7p1m5/" title="html form">Fill out my Wufoo form!</a>
Here are the contenders for a place in the all-new 100 Players Who Shook The Kop.
Alan A'Court
Rainhill-born A'Court was a strong left winger with awesome power in his boots and remains the youngest Liverpool player to make 200 league appearances for the club, aged 24 years and 89 days.
Alan Hansen
Hansen in a red shirt was class personified. Cool on the ball, calm under pressure and an integral part of the meanest defence in Liverpool history.
Alan Kennedy
Kennedy was a fine attacking full-back who had the knack of scoring vital goals for the Reds - like the ones he netted in two European Cup finals in the 1980s.
Albert Stubbins
Centre-forward Stubbins was one of Liverpool's most popular players in the period immediately following the end of the Second World War. He netted 83 in 178 appearances for the Reds.
Alec Lindsay
Left-back Lindsay made his debut in a 10-0 Fairs Cup thrashing of Dundalk in September 1969. He possessed a powerful left-foot and chipped in with plenty of goals.
Alex Raisbeck
Regarded as the club's first star player, Raisbeck's Anfield career spanned 11 seasons, during which he evolved into one of the best defenders of his generation.
Alf Arrowsmith
A goal-machine for the reserves, Arrowsmith's breakthrough into the first team came in the championship-winning 1963-64 season, when he scored 18 goals in 23 games.
Alf Hanson
Left-winger Hanson represented Liverpool for six seasons during the 1930s. In all, he made 177 appearances and chipped in with 52 goals.
Alun Evans
Shankly made 19-year-old Evans Britain's most expensive teenager and his shining moment came when he scored a spectacular hat-trick against Bayern Munich in the 1971 Fairs Cup.
Andrew Hannah
Right-back Hannah was a great all-round athlete, Liverpool's first captain and one of the 11 men who represented Liverpool in their first-ever Football League fixture on September 2, 1893.
Arthur Goddard
Arthur Goddard was a fantastic servant to Liverpool and was a prolific scorer from his position on the wing for nearly a decade-and-a-half at the start of the 20th century.
Barry Venison
Venison began the 1986-87 season as Liverpool's first-choice right-back and made a total of 158 appearances as part of some of the finest Reds sides in history.
Berry Nieuwenhuys
Nieuwenhuys, or 'Nivvy' as he was nicknamed, was a skilful winger who could play on either flank. He fired 79 goals in 260 appearances.
Bill Lacey
A 1932 match report described tricky winger Lacey as: "Made from solid rock. Dynamite could not shift him off the ball." He made 239 appearances for the Reds.
Billy Dunlop
Signed in 1895, left-back Dunlop became the backbone of Liverpool's defence. He could tackle, was splendid in the air and could play the ball out from the back.
Bill Jones
The versatile Jones took Bob Paisley's place in the 1950 FA Cup final defeat to Arsenal and was the grandfather of right-back Rob Jones. He notched 277 appearances for the club.
Billy Liddell
For Reds of a certain generation, winger Billy Liddell remains Liverpool's greatest player ever. Such was his impact, supporters even renamed the club 'Liddellpool' in his honour.
Bob Paisley
Paisley the manager may well have superseded the memory of Bob the player but the three-time European Cup-winning boss made 277 appearances for the club as an uncompromising half-back.
Bobby Graham
Bobby Graham played all 54 games in the 1969-70 season and in all, the forward notched 42 goals in 137 appearances for the club.
Brian Hall
Right-winger Hall was an industrious player, small in stature, but a clever and efficient footballer. He became a vital part of the team Shankly rebuilt in the early 1970s.
Bruce Grobbelaar
An eccentric genius between the sticks, Grobbelaar will be best remembered for the wobbly-legged penalty heroics which brought Liverpool the 1984 European Cup and inspired Jerzy Dudek some 21 years later.
Chris Lawler
Right-back Lawler was a regular in the team between 1965 and 1973 and scored an astonishing 61 goals in 549 games. Nicknamed 'The Silent Knight', he was a truly reliable asset.
Craig Bellamy
During two stints at Anfield, Bellamy was a fighter for the Liverpool cause. The Welshman netted at the Nou Camp in 2007 and fired the Reds to Wembley in 2012.
Craig Johnston
A tireless runner who gave always 100 per cent for the team, South African-born frontman Johnston was a key part of the 1985-86 double-winning side.
Cyril Sidlow
A goalkeeper who arrived at Anfield in the twilight of his career, Sidlow helped the Reds to the league championship in 1947. In all, he made 156 appearances for the club.
Daniel Agger
Agger joined in 2007 and his quality on the ball has made him a firm favorite with the Kop. A quality defender, the uncompromising Dane boasts over 190 appearances for the Reds.
Danny Murphy
Chester-born Murphy scored some truly vital goals for Liverpool and will always be remembered for his three winning goals at Old Trafford against Manchester United.
David Fairclough
Supersub Fairclough was ruthless and reliable stepping off the bench. His goal against St Etienne is one of the most famous and indeed crucial in Liverpool's vast history.
David James
James made 277 appearances between the sticks for Liverpool and collected a League Cup winners' medal in 1995. He now holds the record for most Premier League appearances by a 'keeper.
David Johnson
Johnson served both Liverpool and Everton with great distinction as a predatory goal-poacher. In 238 appearances for the Reds, the Scouser fired a handsome 78 goals.
Dean Saunders
Son of former Liverpool wing-half, Roy, Dean made 61 appearances for Liverpool and netted 25 times following his switch to Merseyside in August 1991.
Dick Forshaw
Inside-forward Forshaw rose to prominence during the 1921-22 and 1922-23 title-winning seasons, playing every single game and scoring 36 times in 84 games. In all, he struck 124 times for Liverpool.
Dietmar Hamann
A solid shield for so many Liverpool back-fours, 'The Kaiser' was one of the true heroes of Istanbul, brought on as a half-time sub to change the nature of the game.
Dirk Kuyt
Kuyt is one of the hardest workers Anfield has ever seen - and his time at the club was punctuated by never-to-be-forgotten goals against our most fierce rivals.
Djibril Cisse
Flamboyant striker Cisse became a club record signing when Liverpool paid £14 million for his services in July 2004 and he went on to score in three major cup finals.
Donald MacKinlay
A versatile player, whose preferred position was full-back, Scot MacKinlay boasted one of the longest careers of any Liverpool player and racked up 434 appearances for the Reds.
Eddie Spicer
Defender Spicer made his league debut for Liverpool on the opening day of the first post-war season (1946-47) and went on to pull on the red shirt 168 times.
Elisha Scott
Northern Irishman Scott is regarded by plenty as the greatest goalkeeper ever to guard the Anfield net after 22 years on Merseyside which saw him tot up nearly 500 appearances.
Emile Heskey
Heskey was Liverpool's record signing when Gerard Houllier bought him in 2000 and the forward would go on to notch 60 goals in 223 appearances for the Reds.
Emlyn Hughes
The first Liverpool captain to lift the European Cup, 'Crazy Horse' had a beaming smile and boundless enthusiasm. Centre-back Hughes played a phenomenal 665 games for the Reds.
Ephraim Longworth
Right-back Longworth is one of the most consistent defenders Liverpool have ever had on their books and his career at Anfield from start to finish spanned a remarkable 18 years.
Fernando Torres
In his prime he was the most clinical finisher in Europe and the Spaniard forged a truly electric partnership with Steven Gerrard. He scored 81 goals in 142 appearances for the club.
Fred Hopkin
Signed from Manchester United in 1921, right-midfielder Hopkin was an ever-present during Liverpool's 1921-22 championship season, helping the club to claim its third First Division title.
Gary Ablett
Ablett was loved by both Reds and Blues fans - a rare feat. A versatile defender, he gathered a haul of medals as a player before repeating the trick as a coach at academy level.
Gary McAllister
McAllister became an instant Kop hero, winning the treble in his first season at Anfield. His numerous, crucial strikes at the end of 2000-01 will live long in the memory.
Geoff Strong
In the six years during the 1960s that the likeable Geordie spent at Anfield, he played in almost every position apart from goalkeeper and excelled in every one of them.
Gerry Byrne
Liverpool-born left-back Byrne will always be remembered for his bravery in playing through the pain after breaking his collarbone in Liverpool's 1965 FA Cup final success.
Glen Johnson
An attacking right-back, Johnson had a fine reputation before he joined Anfield in 2009. His quality has continued to shine through and he boasts over 120 appearances for the club.
Glenn Hysen
A calm and collected centre-back, Hysen was an important member of the championship-winning squad of 1989-90 and in total, the Swede clocked up 93 appearances for the Reds.
Gordon Hodgson
One of Liverpool's and indeed the Football League's all-time great goalscorers, only Roger Hunt netted more league goals in a red shirt. He fired 241 goals for Liverpool from 377 appearances.
Gordon Milne
Milne was a vital team player on the right side of Shankly's Liverpool. He hardly missed a game as the Reds won the Second Division in 1962 and then the First Division two years later.
Graeme Souness
Firmly recognised as one of Liverpool's hardest ever players, Souness was an inspirational captain and one of the finest ever players to grace the Kop.
Harry Chambers
'Smiler' Chambers had a lethal left foot and a great football brain. He fired 41 goals in 71 games as Liverpool won the league in successive seasons from 1922-23.
Ian Callaghan
Callaghan is the club's record appearance holder and played 857 times in a red shirt under Bill Shankly and Bob Paisley. He was never sent-off and only booked once.
Ian Ross
The Scot will forever be remembered as The Kaiser's shadow, when he man-marked Franz Beckenbauer to perfection in a European Fairs Cup game in 1971 against Bayern in Munich. He also netted in a 1-1 draw.
Ian Rush
Quite simply the greatest goalscorer to ever grace the Kop. His partnership with Kenny Dalglish went down in Anfield folklore and he netted 346 goals in 660 appearances.
Ian St John
'The Saint' played a key role in Bill Shankly's Liverpool becoming a real force again. He netted the winner in our first ever FA Cup win in 1965.
Jack Balmer
Balmer wrote his name into the Anfield record books when fired hat-tricks in three successive First Division matches against Portsmouth, Derby and Arsenal.
Jack Cox
A winger of considerable skill, Cox netted 10 goals in 32 matches as Liverpool won their first championship. He was also instrumental in Liverpool's remarkable achievement of winning the Second and First Division in 1905 and 1906.
James Jackson
Jackson established himself in the side towards the end of the 1920s and only missed two out of 126 First Division games from August 1928 until May 1930. He later became a minister.
Jamie Carragher
The ultimate one-club player, and with one of the biggest hearts in football, Jamie Carragher is Mr Liverpool. Now over 700 games not out in a red shirt, it's hard to imagine the comeback in Istanbul without Carra.
Jamie Redknapp
A former Liverpool captain, Redknapp was a popular figure at Anfield. Despite being plagued by injuries in his final years at the club he scored some memorable goals.
Jan Molby
One of the greatest passers of the ball the club has ever had and capable of scoring some spectacular goals from long range, the Dane was immensely popular on the Kop and was a key performer in the double season of 1985-86.
Jari Litmanen
A class act both on and off the pitch, Jari Litmanen was drafted in by Gerard Houllier in January 2001 to aid the Reds' push for treble glory. Despite undoubted ability, injuries curtailed his Anfield career and restricted him to just 43 appearances.
Jason McAteer
The boyhood Red had the dream of playing in front of the Kop in a red shirt. He excelled as a right-wing back under Roy Evans and had fantastic energy and enthusiasm.
Javier Mascherano
After being no more than a bit part player at West Ham, the Argentine turned himself into one of the best holding midfielders in the world under Rafael Benitez. The Kop loved his energy and tackling.
Jerzy Dudek
The Pole in our goal will be forever remembered for his heroics in Istanbul when he made a miraculous save from Shevchenko and then did the same again in the penalty shoot-out to give Liverpool their fifth European Cup.
Jim Beglin
The Republic of Ireland international was set to hold down the left-back slot for many years to come when an injury at Everton cruelly cut his career short. He was outstanding during the 1985-86 double season.
Jimmy Case
One of the hardest players to grace Anfield, Case had an explosive shot and scored some truly memorable goals.
Jimmy McDougall
A member of LFC's official Hall of Fame, McDougall was a very reliable defender who brought a calmness to the back four. He also captained Scotland.
Jimmy Melia
A home grown player who came through the ranks, Melia was top scorer in the 1958-59 season when he netted 21 goals in 40 games. He played over 500 league games for five different clubs.
Jimmy Payne
Dubbed the 'Merseyside Matthews' Payne was a tricky, diminutive right-winger who could beat a man for fun.
Joey Jones
A great character and an immensely popular figure on the Kop, the left-back had a banner made for the 1977 European Cup final in his honour which simply stated: 'Joey ate the frogs legs, made the Swiss role, now he's munching Gladbach!'
John Aldridge
A goalscorer supreme, Aldo grew up on the Kop and went on to score plenty of goals in front of it. Aldridge had an amazing goalscoring record, netting 63 goals in 104 games for Liverpool.
John Arne Riise
The Norwegian international scored a free-kick to remember against Man United and provided the cross for Steven Gerrard to begin the Istanbul comeback. A popular figure on the Kop.
John Barnes
One of the best wingers to ever grace Anfield, Barnes was quite simply one of the best players on the planet in the 1987-88 season. He could beat players for fun and score spectacular goals.
John Toshack
His partnership with Kevin Keegan achieved legendary status at Anfield. He was almost unplayable in the air and a key player for Liverpool under Bill Shankly.
John Wark
The Scotland international had the habit of being in the right place at the right time to score some vital goals from midfield for the Reds both domestically and in Europe. As Bob Paisley said: "John Wark has great timing. You could set your watch by him."
Kenny Dalglish
'King Kenny' was a clear winner when we first produced 100 Players Who Shook the Kop'. One of the greatest players and managers to have ever graced Anfield, Dalglish is a Liverpool icon.
Kevin Keegan
The main man at Anfield before the arrival of Kenny Dalglish, Kevin Keegan scored some truly memorable goals in front of the Kop.
Kevin Lewis
One of Bill Shankly's earliest signings in the 1960s, Lewis scored both goals at Southampton in one of the most legendary games in the club's history when they gained promotion back to the First Division.
Kevin MacDonald
The Scot was a key performer for Kenny Dalglish in the 1985-86 double season. He did a lot of unselfish work for the team.
Larry Lloyd
A tall and dominating centre-back, Lloyd was also strong in the tackle and scored what turned out to be the vital winning goal in the 1973 UEFA Cup final against Borussia Moenchengladbach which the Reds won 3-2 on aggregate.
Laurie Hughes
A classy centre-half who had great heading ability and his positional sense and overall reading of the game was second to none.
Lucas Leiva
The Brazil holding midfielder initially found it tough to win over supporters but his class shone through so that now only Steven Gerrard and Luis Suarez appear more often on the back of supporters' shirts.
Luis Garcia
The man who drank Sangria and came from Barca to bring us joy, Luis Garcia scored some truly memorable goals in a red shirt - none more so than his Champions League strikes against Juventus and semi-final winner v Chelsea.
Luis Suarez
The Kop just can't get enough of Luis Suarez and despite his relatively short time with the club he is already a Liverpool idol. The Uruguay international is a defender's nightmare and is one of the deadliest strikers in Europe.
Mark Lawrenson
Mark Lawrenson was a classy centre-back who made executing the perfect sliding tackle his trademark. His partnership with Alan Hansen is widely regarded as perhaps the best the club has ever had.
Mark Walters
The left-winger will forever be remembered for his goals in front of the Kop against Auxerre on a dramatic night in Europe and a strike versus Manchester United which denied them the title on the final day of the 1991-92 season.
Mark Wright
The England international captained Liverpool to FA Cup glory against Sunderland in 1992. A reliable centre-back, he was a great reader of the game and a natural leader.
Markus Babbel
The German international enjoyed a wonderful campaign during the treble triumph in 2000-01 when he made the right-back slot his own and scored some fantastic goals, including one in the UEFA Cup final.
Martin Skrtel
Martin Skrtel is regarded as one of the best centre-backs in Europe. At the end of 2011-12 Skrtel was voted Liverpool's Player of the Season by fans on the official website.
Matt Busby
As a manager he is more known for his success with Manchester United, but as a player not many people know he used to captain Liverpool. Bob Paisley said: "Matt Busby was a man you could look up to and respect."
Maxi Rodriguez
The popular Argentine international was signed by Rafael Benitez and scored some superb goals running down the wing in a red shirt. He once scored back-to-back hat-tricks against Birmingham City and Fulham.
Michael Owen
Nurtured at the Kirkby Academy, Owen became the most feared striker in Europe during his spell with Liverpool. The 2001 FA Cup final has been dubbed 'The Owen Cup final' and he also won the Ballon d'Or European Footballer of the Year.
Michael Robinson
The Republic of Ireland international was an honest forward and scored some vital goals as he played his part in helping Liverpool win the treble under Joe Fagan in 1983-84. He is now a successful TV pundit in Spain.
Michael Thomas
He might have scored a dramatic last minute title winner for Arsenal at Anfield in 1989, but Thomas endeared himself to Liverpool supporters with some energetic displays. He scored a wonderful goal in the 1992 FA Cup final.
Milan Baros
The Czech international had blistering pace and quickly became a Kop favourite. He started in the 2005 Champions League final in Istanbul.
Momo Sissoko
Rafael Benitez swooped to sign rangy middle-man Momo Sissoko from Valencia in the aftermath of Istanbul. A cult hero on the Kop, the Mali international was renowned for his energy and enthusiasm.
Nigel Spackman
Signed by Kenny Dalglish, Spackman was in many ways an unsung hero. He deputised admirably for the injured Ronnie Whelan and more than held his own in the 1987-88 team - dubbed by many pundits as the finest team to ever grace Anfield.
Patrik Berger
The popular Czech international had a sweet left foot and scored some fantastic goals. His pass to Michael Owen for the winner in the 2001 FA Cup final v Arsenal will always be remembered by Kopites.
Paul Ince
Tough-tackling ball-winner Paul Ince was snapped from Inter Milan in the summer of 1997 to add some more steel to Roy Evans' attack-minded side. He went on to make 81 appearances for the Reds, scoring 17 goals.
Paul Walsh
Although his Anfield career was punctuated largely by second-place finishes, the striker excelled alongside Kenny Dalglish and Ian Rush in attack - hitting 37 goals.
Pepe Reina
Signed in 2005, the Spaniard has been the club's No.1 goalkeeper ever since. The stopper was in supreme form as the Reds lifted the 2006 FA Cup and is renowned for his consistency and penalty saves.
Peter Beardsley
A record signing in 1987, the forward worked seamlessly with John Aldridge and John Barnes in a sensational Liverpool line-up - collecting two league titles and the FA Cup along the way.
Peter Cormack
A crucial cog in the Reds' mid-1970s midfield, the Scotland international helped Liverpool secure two league championships, an FA Cup and the 1973 UEFA Cup.
Peter Crouch
After waiting 19 games for his first Liverpool goal, the tall striker eventually became a fan favourite - notching on 42 occasions, including several goal of the season contenders.
Peter Thompson
The left winger spent a decade at Anfield with manager Bill Shankly, making more than 400 appearances - collecting a brace of first division titles and helping the Reds win their first FA Cup in 1965.
Phil Boersma
The versatile forward ended his spell at Liverpool with a ratio of exactly one goal every four games, having tasted success twice in the league and once in the UEFA Cup.
Phil Neal
The most decorated player in the club's history, the defender won 22 trophies, played in the Reds' first four European Cup wins and made 650 appearances.
Phil Taylor
Having held the position of player, captain, coach and ultimately manager, Bill Shankly's predecessor - who passed away in 2012 - will always be remembered in the club's history.
Phil Thompson
Seven league titles and two European Cups - one of which he lifted as captain - were the headlines at Liverpool for the defender, who later became assistant manager for the Reds.
Ray Clemence
A bargain signing who is now widely considered the greatest goalkeeper Liverpool have ever had, the stopper won three European Cups and five league titles during a golden period for the club.
Ray Houghton
Industry and energy typified the midfielder's five years at Anfield, where he collected league honours twice and two FA Cups under the stewardship of Kenny Dalglish and Graeme Souness.
Ray Kennedy
Switched from forward to left midfield by Bob Paisley, the wide-man was an integral element of five championship victories and three European Cups during his time with the Reds.
Ray Lambert
A one-club man capable of playing in either full-back position, the Welshman was a championship winner in 1947 and was revered as a fan favourite at Anfield.
Rob Jones
Following in his grandfather's footsteps at Liverpool, the defender was considered to be among the best right-backs of his generation but was blighted by a succession of injuries.
Robbie Fowler
The man known as 'God' to supporters was one of their own, smashing in 183 goals across two spells at Anfield and playing a key role in the treble win of 2001 with strikes in the League Cup and UEFA Cup finals.
Roger Hunt
One of the most prolific strikers ever to wear a red jersey, the 1966 World Cup winner blasted 286 goals for Liverpool during a decade with the club.
Ron Yeats
Described as a colossus by Bill Shankly, the 1960s Liverpool side was founded on the central defender - who lifted two league titles and was part of the club's first FA Cup-winning team.
Ronnie Moran
Player, captain, coach, caretaker manager and Boot Room legend - the positions held by the former defender at Liverpool, with whom he claimed the 1964 championship.
Ronny Rosenthal
'Rocket Ronny's' explosive start to his Liverpool career made him an instant cult hero on the Kop. The Israeli striker fired seven goals in eight appearances the Reds clinched the league title in 1990. In total, he made 97 appearances and scored 22 goals for Liverpool.
Ronnie Whelan
The Irish midfielder had an Anfield career to match any other - captain for a spell, almost 500 appearances, six league titles and a European Cup the obvious highlights.
Sam Hardy
One of the club's earliest custodians, the goalkeeper impressed in a match against the Reds before signing on at Anfield and making 240 appearances across seven years.
Sam Raybould
The first man to strike 100 league goals for Liverpool, the powerful striker's efforts up front helped the Reds claim championship honours in 1901 and 1906.
Sami Hyypia
An elegant but determined central defender, the Finn formed strong partnerships with Stephane Henchoz and later Jamie Carragher on the road to winning the treble and the Champions League with the Reds.
Sammy Lee
A bundle of energy and work-rate, the local midfielder was part of the team which won the European Cup twice in the 1980s and later became the club's assistant manager.
Sander Westerveld
The Dutchman enjoyed a whirlwind period at Anfield, making 61 appearances during the treble season of 2000-01 and winning all five of his career honours in one calendar year at Liverpool.
Stan Collymore
Having joined the club for a record fee in 1995, the striker formed a sensational partnership with Robbie Fowler and bagged 35 goals in 81 games before leaving for Aston Villa.
Stephane Henchoz
A determined approach to defending endeared the Swiss to the Anfield faithful - as did his tag-team at the back with Sami Hyypia and his contribution to the 2001 treble campaign.
Steve Finnan
Producing consistently high-level performances from his right-back position, the defender endeared himself to Liverpool supporters as part of the team which lifted the European Cup in 2005.
Steve Heighway
The Irish winger dazzled Liverpool supporters throughout the 1970s with his pace and dribbling ability, playing his part in the club's first two European Cup triumphs and much more.
Steve McMahon
Kenny Dalglish's first signing as Liverpool boss struck a half-century of goals from midfield for the Reds to help the club secure three league titles and two FA Cups.
Steve McManaman
A true flair player, the local lad flourished under Roy Evans and scored both goals as the Reds won the 1995 League Cup, as well as entertaining with a succession of wonder strikes before joining Real Madrid.
Steve Nicol
Versatile, consistent and a humorous influence in the dressing room, the Scot made almost 500 appearances for the Reds and proved to be one of the finest bargains in Liverpool history.
Steve Staunton
The Irish defender had two separate spells at Anfield, during the first of which he contributed as the Reds won the 1989 FA Cup and the 1990 league championship.
Steven Gerrard
Club captain for almost a decade and with more than 600 appearances in a Red shirt, the midfielder is one of the finest players of his generation and has claimed seven major medals with Liverpool.
Ted Doig
Held in high regard as a goalkeeper at the close of the 19th century, the Scot guarded the net as the Reds won promotion to the First Division and remains the oldest player ever to represent the club.
Terry McDermott
An average of one goal in four neatly captures the impact the midfielder had at Anfield, where he reached his peak and claimed three European Cups plus a clutch of league titles.
Thomas 'Tiny' Bradshaw
A robust defender in spite of his nickname, the Scot established himself in central defence at Anfield and neared 300 appearances before departing in 1938.
Tom Bromilow
The Liverpool-born defender approached the club for a trial immediately after the First World War and impressed enough to rack up 375 appearances and lift two league championships.
Tom Cooper
Acclaimed as one of the finest defenders to represent England during the inter-war years, the full-back joined the Reds at 30 and appeared on 160 occasions.
Tommy Lawrence
After waiting five years for his Liverpool debut, the consistent goalkeeper shone under Bill Shankly - winning a brace of championships and the club's first FA Cup.
Tommy Leishman
The Scot arrived at Anfield just weeks before Bill Shankly in 1959 and was part of the Reds team which battled back into the top flight by winning the 1962 Second Division.
Tommy Smith
More than 600 appearances, four league titles, two FA Cups and a goal in the 1977 European Cup triumph - few can rival the Anfield Iron's career at Liverpool.
Tommy Younger
A goalkeeper with impressive consistency for the Reds during the late 1950s, the Scot rarely missed a match and even enjoyed a brief spell as a striker in one game.
Tony Hateley
The striker may have only been a Liverpool player for 15 months, but he left Anfield with a respectable goalscoring record of 28 strikes in 56 games.
Vladimir Smicer
Scoring and converting a penalty in the 2005 Champions League final shoot-out ensured the Czech's name will be remembered in Anfield history and closed a six-year career with the Reds.
Walter Wadsworth
A no nonsense defender, the Bootle native was a regular as the Reds won and defended the league championship in 1922 and 1923.
Willie Fagan
The Scot's Liverpool career was broken up by the Second World War, though the striker concluded his stay at Anfield with 57 goals and a 1947 league winner's medal.
Willie Stevenson
Five fruitful years working with Bill Shankly at Anfield saw the Scot contribute to two league championship triumphs and the Reds' maiden FA Cup victory in 1965.
Xabi Alonso
One of the most gifted passers of a football Anfield has ever seen, the midfielder was on the scoresheet in Istanbul and racked up 210 games for Liverpool before departing to Real Madrid in 2009.
Yossi Benayoun
Famed for his tricky dribbling ability and eye for a goal, the Israeli made more than a century of appearances during three years at Anfield and helped the club secure second place in 2008-09.

Liverpool FC

Apple di Kabarkan Akan Rilis iPad 128 GB

Kabar yang beredar mengatakan bahwa Apple sedang mempersiapkan gebrakan baru dengan segera merilis model iPad terbaru di sertai kapasitas memory 128 gigabyte !  rumor tentang hal ini di terbitkan oleh 9to5Mac.
Jika benar Apple akan merilis iPad generasi baru dengan kapasitas 128 GB, ini  merupakan kapasitas memori dua kali lipat dengan apa yang ada pada iPad model sekarang, Model terbaru ini akan terpisah untuk iPad generasi ke empat, namun 9to5Mac mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak memiliki harga yang pasti untuk iPad terbaru ini.
Perangkat besutan Apple ini juga akan memliki desain baru, mereka akan memperbanyak pilihan warna agar pengguna dapat memilih warna sesuai dengan apa yang di ingin kan, selain itu ada juga kabar yang mengatakan bahwa itunes 11 juga akan memiliki peyimpanan sebesar 128GB.

Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

Google Translator Versus Bing Translator

Guys, dewasa ini rasanya tak perlu susah susah membuka kamus besar bahasa inggris untuk mengartikan sebuah artikel berbahasa inggris. Karena dengan adanya Google Translet dan Bing Translet menjadi alat otomatis mempermudah pekerjaan kita dalam menerjemahkan bahasa di dunia.
Namun demikian, apa yang diterjemahkan oleh google translet maupun bing translet tidak sepenuhnya menghasilkan terjemahan yang sesuai dan benar jika kita baca kembali. Oleh sebab itu, kita masih perlu mengeditnya menjadi serangkaian kata yang benar dan sesuai.
Google Translator sangat populer sebagai translator atau alat penerjemah secara online saat ini, jutaan orang sudah biasa menggunakannya baik dengan laptop yang tersambung internet atau dengan smartphone yang bisa kita unduh aplikasinya.
Akhir-akhir ini, ternyata google memiliki saingan dalam penerjemahan bahasa dunia yaitu Bing Translator. Memiliki kemampuan penerjemahan hampir sama namun masih terdapat perbedaan baik dari segi penerjemahan bahasa maupun dari segi fleksibilitas.
Berikut perbandingannya:
Tampilan Google Translator
google translator
Tampilan Bing Translator
bing translator
Jika diperhatikan dari segi kemampuan menerjemahkan dua-duanya hampir sama dan memberikan hasil yang baik saat kita memasukan tulisan artikel hingga satu halaman pun. Akan tetapi sepertinya Bing translator memberikan terjemahan yang baik dengan mengartikan seluruh kata yang ada dalam tulisan yang akan diterjemahkan termasuk kata-kata yang memiliki arti banyak dan bing telah memberikan kesesuaian kata dengan yang lain, meskipun masih perlu kita edit.
Bagaimana dengan google translator, google memiliki kemampuan menerjemahkan artikel dengan baik pula, namun google tidak sepenuhnya mengartikan-kata-kata yang memiliki arti banyak seperti tampak pada gambar. Saat diterjemahkan ia masih dalam bentuk bahasa inggris. Namun demikian google translet memberikan pilihan kata dengan mengklik kata yang masih berbahasa inggris tersebut untuk kita pilih yang paling sesuai hingga membuat kalimat yang apik.

Dari segi fleksibilitas google lebih baik, karena saat kita meletakan tulisan atau teks yang akan diterjemahkan setelah menyeting bahasanya maka akan langsung muncul terjemahannya tanpa perlu mengklik tombol terjemahkan (translate). Berbeda dengan bing yang harus selalu menekan tombol terjemahkan (translate) setiap akan menerjemahkan teks.

Dari segi fitur google translet pun memiliki penerjemahan dengan menggunakan suara yang berada di bawah hasil terjemahan. Namun demikian fitur ini dirasa kurang berpengaruh karena pelafalan bahasa indonesia hasil terjemahannya seperti bule yang masuk indonesia dan baru belajar bahasa indonesia.

So guys, pilih yang mana? dua duanya ok dan sangat bermanfaat. Terlebih buat pelajar, mahasiswa yang punya tugas berbahasa inggris. Tanpa perlu ke tempat jasa terjemah dilakukan sendiri pun bisa itung-itung sambil belajar bahasa inggris.

Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

Lakukan Perawatan Mobil Sendiri

Perawatan mobil sangat diperlukan agar mobil tetap prima, pemilik mobil pun harus rajin mengecek kondisi kendaraannya ke bengkel. Namun melakukan perawatan mobil tidak harus selalu dilakukan ke bengkel, apalagi untuk perawatan mobil yang terbilang sederhana.

Perawatan Mobil:

1.Rajin Cuci Mobil
Kebersihan bagian dalam dan luar mobil sangat mempengaruhi kualitas mobil. Misalnya jika karpet kabin motor kotor akan bisa mempengaruhi mesin air conditioner (AC) mobil yang mengakibatkan AC rusak dan mempengaruhi bagian lain dari mesin mobil
2. Oli
Lakukan penggantian oli secara rutin , yaitu setiap menempuh jarak 5.000 kilometer atau sesuai anjuran pabrikan. Untuk oli gardan penggantioan oli dilakukan setiap 20.000 Km. Penggunaan oli juga harus menggunakan oli yang disarankan oleh pabrikan.
perawatan mobil
perawatan mobil
3. Ban
Agar ban awet dianjurkan memeriksa tekanan ban setiap sebulan sekali. Pemeriksaan tekanan ban dapat dilakukan sendiri bila memiliki alatnya, namun bila tidak dapat dilakukan di pom bensin yang menyediakan pemeriksaan tekanan angin. Pengukuran tekanan angin sebaiknya dilakukan saat ban dalam keadaan dingin. Tekanan yang ideal biasanya tertulis di bagian dalam pintu supir.
Merawat rem sendiri tentu susah karena harus melepas ban terlebih dahulu. Tapi perawatan mendasar bisa dilakukan dengan mengganti minyak rem setiap 20.000 Km.Untuk mobil yang masih berumur dibawah 7 tahun biasanya kondisi rem masih baik, tapi bagi yang sudah melebihi umur itu harus waspada dengan keadaan rem, seperti bila rem mengeluarkan bau hangus, rem diinjak terasa bergetar, dan sebagainya harus segera ke bengkel.
5. Air radiator, aki, dan wiper
Cek air pada tabung radiator, aki dan juga air untuk wiper .
6. Minyak power steering
Pemilik mobil harus rajin mengecek minyak power steering karena bila minyak ini habis, kemudi  akan terasa berat saat belok

Radio-radio Kuno Berteknologi Modern

AstroDigi.com | Rabu, 23 Jan 2013 | Jaman dahulu mendengarkan radio di rumah ataupun di area publik merupakan kebiasaan yang umum, namun di masa kini mayoritas pendengar radio adalah mereka yang sedang berkendara dengan mobil, baik sebagai pengemudi maupun pengendara.

Dengan segmen yang semakin sempit masih ada beberapa pabrikan yang mencoba untuk membangkitkan kembali minat mendengarkan radio di rumah, kantor ataupun area publik. Beberapa pabrikan mencoba membangkitkan minat para pendengarnya dengan mengajak mereka bernostalgia dengan menghadirkan radio-radio modern yang mengusung desain kuno. Indah namun berkesan klasik.
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Selasa, 22 Januari 2013

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Senin, 21 Januari 2013

Migrasi ke Teknologi Baru, Kenapa Takut?

Siapa yang ngaku gaul dan melek teknologi? Hari gini gaul saja masih kurang cukup, gaul ditambah melek teknologi di jamin dunia dalam genggaman. Yang namanya orang gaul dan melek teknologi otomatis ngerti dong sosial media seperti Twitter dan Facebook. Yup dua sosial media tersebut saat ini sudah seperti barang kebutuhan pokok. Bangun tidur pasti benda pertama yang digerayangi adalah handphone. Hayo ngaku, demi apapun juga kalau handphone ketinggalan pasti dibelain balik ke rumah untuk ambil meski akhirnya telat datang ke kantor.
Saya memang penggemar berat handphone dengan operasi sistem Android. Kalau handphone kamu apa? Dibandingkan dengan Blackberry, Android ini paling lengkap untuk urusan kebutuhan kita. Sadar nggak harga yang kita bayar tidak sepadan dengan yang kita dapatkan? Sudah gadgetnya mahal tapi minim fitur, layar kecil lagi. Belum lagi harus bayar paketan full service supaya bisa dipakai browsing dan eksis di sosial media. Rata-rata provider mematok harga sekitar 100 ribu sebulan untuk paket full service BB. Dengan handphone Android saya cukup bayar 50 ribu untuk penggunaan tidak terbatas menjelajah dunia maya maupun bersosial media. Bahkan ada paket hemat 25 ribu kok.
Itu dari segi ekonomisnya, kalau dari segi teknologi Blackberry, kaya jalan di tempat. Performanya sangat berat sewaktu menjalankan aplikasi-aplikasi besar karena dukungan hardware yang di bawah rata-rata, bahkan menjalankan facebook dan twitter secara bersamaan bikin hang. Kamera? Bikin nyesek kalau motret pakai kamera bawaan Blackberry. Aplikasi yang ditawarkan sedikit, nggak banyak pilihan dan kebanyakan berbayar. Kalau handphone Android modelnya bermacam-macam dong. Performa? Tinggal siapkan dompet karena banyak pilihan mulai dari spek rendah sampai spek tinggi, kalaupun hanya buka facebook dan twitter dengan spek rendah lancar-lancar saja tuh. Urusan kamera, rata-rata handphone Android mempunyai kamera yang lumayan. Aplikasi ribuan tersedia di Google Play Store, mulai dari yang berbayar sampai yang gratisan tinggal unduh.
Sosial Media Path
Berbicara soal aplikasi, teman saya yang pengguna Blackberry suka iri melihat kumpulan game-game menarik dan unik di ponsel saya. Kemudian juga lihat aplikasi sosial media saya yang bejibun mulai dari yang wajib macam twitter dan facebook, terus ada sosial media baru Path yang sedang naik daun di kalangan Androider, ada juga Pair, atau Spotify yang berbagi audio atau suara, terus Circle dan Badoo, tinggal pilih sesuai keinginan. Sosial media yang berbasis gambar atau foto ada EyeEm, atau yang paling popular adalah Instagram. Di Blackberry mana ada? Teman-teman saya suka terpukau melihat hasil jepretan-jepretan saya di Instagram yang saya share di Facebook, mereka bilang “Kok bisa bagus begini? Padahal obyeknya biasa saja, install di Blackberry saya dong” Yasalam please deh.
Aplikasi LINE
Kata siapa Blackberry itu ekslusif hanya gara-gara ada BBM (Blackberry Messenger), kalau Cuma untuk urusan chat saja banyak kok aplikasinya di Android. Paling populer Whatsaap, yah meski di Blackberry juga ada. Tapi kalau mau telpon gratis di Blackberry bisa nggak? Saya biasa menggunakan aplikasi LINE untuk menelpon gratis dengan teknologi VoIP dan memakai  jaringan internet, suaranya bening meski pakai jaringan EDGE loh. Ada juga Skype atau Kakao yang juga bisa dibuat chatting dan bertelpon ria tanpa menyedot pulsa utama . Kalau mau sok-sok-an punya PIN kayak Blackberry bisa install Catfiz yang merupakan buatan anak negeri, jadi Catfiz memberikan PIN khusus untuk setiap penggunanya. Kurang gaya apa coba? Ada neh pengguna Blackberry pernah mencibir “Emang Android bisa push email?” Oh please ya Tuhan, banyak kali aplikasi push email. Malu dong, katanya smartphone tapi penggunanya nggak smart.
Aplikasi Kakao
Kecanggihan lain handphone android adalah kita bisa kirim pesan sambil lihat video secara bersamaan. Yang paling canggih nih ketika kamu sedang menerima SMS dan buka pesan tersebut kemudian kamu berpikir untuk menelpon saja tanpa membalas, tinggal dekatkan handphone ke telinga dan secara otomatis langsung menelpon tanpa tekan tombol sama sekali, benar-benar handphone yang bisa membaca hati pemiliknya bahkan melebihi soulmate sekalipun. Terus ada lagi fitur yang bisa ambil foto sekaligus 8 kali dan dipilih foto yang terbaik secara otomatis. Wow banget. Pas buat yg suka share foto di Instagram, Path, Twitter, Facebook, dan lain sebagainya.
Aplikasi Instagram
Masih ngaku gaul kalau masih menggunakan handphone jadul kayak Blackberry? Tahun 2009 boleh deh ngomong begitu, tapi jaman sudah berubah bung,  masak sih masih jalan di tempat, sedangkan yg lain udah pada maju. Apalagi sosial media sekarang banyak yg baru, yang gak bisa diakses via Blackberry. Dan Gara-gara BB, orang lebih ketergantungan sama BBM, kalo pending suka ngedumel, nggak ada usaha lain, padahal masih ada SMS dan telepon.